Special Offer! These magazines are £2.25 each, but order both for only £3.50

Filthy Creations 6, Summer 2010, ed. by Rog Pile
Filthy Creations 6 proudly presents the first episode in a major new serialisation: Sendings by David A Riley.
Also beginning this issue, the serialisation of Craig Herbertson's The Death Tableau.
Both David A Riley and Craig Herbertson had their first stories appear in the now-lendary Pan Books of Horror. Both novels will be serialised in their entirity, and this will be their first appearance in print.
Dedicated to D F Lewis, this issue also contains:
The Devil At Your Heels by Robert Mammone
Easy Money by Penni McLaren Walker
Rage and The Fat Shrike by D F Lewis
Bad Manners by Colin Leslie
There's a Riot Going On by Franklin Marsh
Grey by Charles Black
Crocodile Tears by James Stanger
A Solace of Winter Rain by Stephen Bacon
Night Tide by Rog Pile
With five mono illustrations plus a colour cover drawn by Rog Pile.
Filthy Creations 6 costs £2.25 including p&p (click below)
The Thinking Man's Crumpet 4 ed. by Coral King

The Thinking Man's Crumpet 4, Summer 2010, ed. by Coral King
Superb new fiction!
Interrogation by Anna Stephens
Till When? by David Thorpe
Inner Demons by Anthony Watson
The End of a Strange Affair by Peter Tennant
The Hot Gates by Reg Jones
Artwork by Alex Poole and Rog Pile
The Thinking Man's Crumpet 4 costs £2.25 including p&p. Click below to buy.
Special Offer! Get both magazines for £3.50 (Click below)